It’s hard to believe 2009 is nearly over.  When the holidays approach, I tend to start reflecting and remembering the good ol’ days…  I remember the thrill of flying to Nashville like it was a couple of weeks ago – yet it was 2008!  Or singing ‘out loud’ the first time – and that was 1998!  I also recall hearing about Santa leaving the North Pole and heading to our house – and the excitement of hearing his sleigh on the roof!   [Thanks to Dad tossing stuff up there].  Even that doesn’t seem all that long ago.   But, trust me; I’m now at an age where a man in a red suit stopping by is more disturbing than it is exciting.   It occurred to me recently that the proverbial “some day” had arrived while I wasn’t paying attention.   I think it’s time I stop planning and begin doing my “bucket list” stuff.  Maybe take some risks.  That sounds like a New Year’s resolution, hey?   I don’t usually make resolutions, but making one for 2010 could be a first step outside my comfort zone…   To family & friends, near & far, Merry Christmas!!  And may 2010 bring each of you good health, great wealth, and much happiness. 

– Darla